Using .NET Tuples in F#, C#, and VB.NET

Tuples in .NET are a very welcome feature. This is how each of the three main .NET languages may call each other with tuples. Note that I’m making it more complicated than need be with some nullable parameters.

New Project Setup

As usual, I like to give context by demonstrating how I setup my projects from scratch.

> dotnet --version
> mkdir tuples-dotnet
> cd tuples-dotnet

> dotnet new console -lang c# -o calling-csharp
> dotnet new console -lang f# -o calling-fsharp
> dotnet new console -lang vb -o calling-vb

> dotnet new classlib -lang vb -o logic-vb
> dotnet new classlib -lang c# -o logic-csharp
> dotnet new classlib -lang f# -o logic-fsharp

> dotnet add .\calling-csharp\ reference .\logic-csharp\
> dotnet add .\calling-csharp\ reference .\logic-fsharp\
> dotnet add .\calling-csharp\ reference .\logic-vb\

> dotnet add .\calling-fsharp\ reference .\logic-csharp\
> dotnet add .\calling-fsharp\ reference .\logic-fsharp\
> dotnet add .\calling-fsharp\ reference .\logic-vb\

> dotnet add .\calling-vb\ reference .\logic-csharp\
> dotnet add .\calling-vb\ reference .\logic-fsharp\
> dotnet add .\calling-vb\ reference .\logic-vb\

> dotnet add .\calling-csharp\ package fsharp.core
> dotnet add .\calling-vb\ package fsharp.core

I’m not creating any new files. I’m editing the generated files in-place.


VB Logic

Public Class Class1

    Public Shared Function FormatText(ByVal greeting as String, ByVal extraParameters as Nullable(Of (name as String, ageYears as Integer))) as String
        If extraParameters Is Nothing Then
            Return greeting
        Else If extraParameters?.ageYears < 0 Then
            Return $"{greeting}. It seems unlikely that {extraParameters?.name} is {extraParameters?.ageYears} years old. Are they from the future?"
            Return $"{greeting}. {extraParameters?.name} is {extraParameters?.ageYears} years old."
        End If
    End Function

End Class

C# Logic

using System;

namespace logic_csharp
    public class Class1
        public static string FormatText(string greeting, (string name, int ageYears)? extraParameters)
            if(extraParameters == null) {
                return greeting;
            } else if(extraParameters?.ageYears < 0) {
                return $"{greeting}. It seems unlikely that {extraParameters?.name} is {extraParameters?.ageYears} years old. Are they from the future?";
            } else {
                return $"{greeting}. {extraParameters?.name} is {extraParameters?.ageYears} years old.";

F# Logic

namespace logic_fsharp

module Say =
    let FormatText (greeting: string) (extraParameters: (string * int) option): string =
        match extraParameters with
        | None -> greeting
        | Some (name, ageYears) ->
            if ageYears < 0 then
                sprintf "%s. It seems unlikely that %s is %i years old. Are they from the future?" greeting name ageYears
                sprintf "%s. %s is %i years old." greeting name ageYears

VB.NET Console

Imports System

Module Program
    Sub Main(args As String())
        Console.WriteLine(logic_csharp.Class1.FormatText("C# called from VB.NET", ("Daniel", -5)))

        Console.WriteLine(logic_vb.Class1.FormatText("VB.NET called from VB.NET", ("Daniel", 5)))

        Dim fsharp_extraParameters = new Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpOption(Of Tuple(Of String, Integer)) (new Tuple(Of String, Integer)("Daniel", 5))
        Console.WriteLine(logic_fsharp.Say.FormatText("F# called from VB.NET", fsharp_extraParameters))
    End Sub
End Module

PS C:\Users\Daniel\Development\tuples-dotnet\calling-vb> dotnet run
C# called from VB.NET. It seems unlikely that Daniel is -5 years old. Are they from the future?
VB.NET called from VB.NET. Daniel is 5 years old.
F# called from VB.NET. Daniel is 5 years old.

C# Console

using System;

namespace calling_csharp
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine(logic_csharp.Class1.FormatText("C# called from C#", ("Daniel", -5)));

            Console.WriteLine(logic_vb.Class1.FormatText("VB.NET called from C#", ("Daniel", 5)));

            var fsharp_extraParameters = new Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpOption<System.Tuple<string, int>>(new System.Tuple<string, int>("Daniel", 5));
            Console.WriteLine(logic_fsharp.Say.FormatText("F# called from C#", fsharp_extraParameters));

PS C:\Users\Daniel\Development\tuples-dotnet\calling-csharp> dotnet run
C# called from C#. It seems unlikely that Daniel is -5 years old. Are they from the future?
VB.NET called from C#. Daniel is 5 years old.
F# called from C#. Daniel is 5 years old.

F# Console

open System

let main argv =
    // Console.WriteLine(logic_csharp.Class1.FormatText("C# called from F#", System.Nullable(struct("Daniel", -5))))

    // Console.WriteLine(logic_vb.Class1.FormatText("VB.NET called from F#", System.Nullable(struct("Daniel", -5))))

    Console.WriteLine(logic_fsharp.Say.FormatText "F# called from F#" (Option.Some("Daniel", 5)))

    0 // return an integer exit code

Interestingly, this is where I had problems passing in a value of the below type to both C# and VB.NET. A quick google suggests this workaround, but I couldn’t quite get it working.

string * Nullable<struct(string * int)> -> string

PS C:\Users\Daniel\Development\tuples-dotnet\calling-fsharp> dotnet run
F# called from F#. Daniel is 5 years old.


Go ahead and use tuples in any of the .NET languages, just consider carefully before using them as nullable parameters to methods.